Well, today was the
official start of our
official potty training and it went surprisingly well. Decided to strip her down stark style (thank you for the tips/inspiration fellow bloggers) and just go for it. Now, I write this in detail not because I expect you to want to read everything about my life... but for any of you who are thinking about doing this terrible task anytime soon and are completely clueless such as I.
Paige got up and first thing we did, off with the diaper. Gave her a big pep talk on how she is a big girl now and no more diapers, etc. Asked her if she needed to go but the answer was no. Went about our daily business - breakfast, dressed(only shirt today - she was bugged and confused but we pushed through) and cleaning/laundry cause that's what we do on Tuesdays. I just kept asking her every now and then if she needed to go and she just said "no... not yet". It had been a while so I decided it was time to sit on the pot even if she didn't think she needed to just so she could get the idea that it was an all day thing. She was a little apprehensive so I decided to show off my skills (yes, I am admitting to the blogging world that I did this, love me anyways please) to give her a little encouragement and sure enough she hopped on right after me and tinkle town was marked! Since it was the first of the day I made sure to teach her the whole process in detail (lifting the lid, how to climb on, going, wiping, flushing, hand washing) so that when she needs to go she doesn't have to depend on me for anything and she can do it all by herself. Nothing worse than having to wipe a kids butt who you don't even know at church. So we had her Peep treat (cause peep and poop get different treats) and she was happy as could be.
I decided to load her up with some water/juice to get things going so she could get some more practice and just kept watching her. Now our house has some tile but mostly carpet. So the rules went: no getting on the couch or beds and if she wanted to sit down to play she had to stick to the designated towels I had strategically placed around the house. It may sound stingy but be my guest if you want to clean up peed on carpet all day - NO THANK YOU!
So about an hour later I'm in my room and she comes running in saying she needed to pee. She hopped on and went perfectly! Huzzah! But I did notice she had a tiny stream mark on the top of her leg so I asked if she had gone and she replied "just a tiny tiny bit but then ran to the potty". Good, I have my proof that her being naked is serving a purpose - she felt the peep going down her leg, stopped it (impressive I thought), and ran to the bathroom to finish up. Got her the peep treat and life was good.
A little later I was putting Calvin down for his nap so I told her to stay on her towel and play. Mid nursing I hear the bathroom door open, toilet lid slam up and just think "oh boy, please please please". I walk out a minute later after putting him in bed and she rounds the corner "POO POO!!" Sure enough, she had done it all by herself! I used a wipe just to make sure her bum was totally clear but she had done a pretty good job herself. And glory be... she finally got her poop treat she's been wanting for weeks now.
Next instance... I'm putting away laundry and I just hear "Mommy where are you?!?!" Run into the bathroom and there's poor Paigey standing in the middle of the most gigantic puddle of pee I've ever seen. So I asked her what happened and she just told me she didn't make it in time. But progress knowing that she was headed for the toilet. We cleaned it up together (which I've read is important so they know it's not all fun and games) and continued.
To make a long story short (too late), we had two more perfectly successful peeps and then off to bed with a diaper on. Sorry, I'm not woman enough to tackle the nightime battle yet. So if you're still reading, there you have it. Potty training day 1. We'll see what tomorrow brings.