Sunday, November 20, 2011

Before the Paraaaaaaade Passes By....

If you don't know what that song is from, call me, we need to chat.

This past weekend was also Gilbert Days - the annual Town of Gilbert celebration!  I remember going every single year growing up and it was always something we looked forward to.  Waking up early, finding our traditional spot in front of Circle K to watch the parade, and just LOVING every part of it. 

This year we could finally take our kids!  We had such a great time and they loved it.  There wasn't as many cool floats as I remember, mainly just advertising... but it was just fun to be at a parade again!  They even had some old-school planes fly over it which was just so neat! (and yes, the whole thing made me tear up.  I really couldn't get a hold of myself this weekend)

I remember this bull from when we used to go - stay strong!

All the high schools had their bands playing.  I of course had to take a picture of my Alma Mater, Highland High.  And I have to say, they were BY FAR the best band out there - and that's not just my Hawk pride soarin'.  You did me proud youngin's.

Okay, this was the cutest.  They had a senior women's pom-pom team!  They were ADORABLE!!  For reals, and they were struttin' there stuff like there was no tomorrow!!  Oh, umm, bad choice of words...
Live long and prosper ladies!

Our kids got their fair share of free tossed out candy and made the most of it. 
Well played you three.

We'll see you next year Gilbert Days!

Windmill Lighting!

I have to say, I love living in Power Ranch.  It is such a great spot and always has something very "community-unity-ish" going on - which is so fun!  This past Friday we had our 11th Windmill Lighting Extravaganza!  Well, our first, but Power Ranch's 11th.  Anyways... it was so super cute! 

We walked over to the windmill in our wintery clothes (however, shorts and a tee would have been totally fine weather-wise, but I just felt like we should at least dress the part of a fall activity) where we all gathered with some cute girl scouts to lead us in a few Christmas carols.  Then they chose a kids from the crowd to come up, we all counted down together, and then he flipped the switch to light the windmill!!  It was so adorable!  I of course started tearing up - I tear up at EVERYTHING when I'm prego.  But it was seriously super sweet.  Tears were completely appropriate.

Then we all walked on the candle-lit sidewalk to the community barn where they had hot chocolate and cookies for everyone!  It was so great!!!  The kiddos had such a blast and it was the perfect kick-off (be it premature) to the holiday season!!  Well done Power Ranch!

Disclaimer for the next few years: Paige has decided to start dressing/accessorizing herself these days.  I have GOT to be more careful with the clearance rack...

Friday, November 18, 2011


Well it's been 16 uneventful days since I've last posted.  My apologies.  But seriously, very uneventful.  Mainly just a whole bunch of morning sickness, and then once that was gone, a whole bunch of cold sickness floating around our house.  Sooooo, it's been a drag around the Forbis house.  But things are starting to look on the up and up!  HOORAY!!! 

Two main things have passed our time of quarantine:

Counting down the SECONDS until Daddy gets home (that's mainly me counting)

Watching Jack love Tigger...

And watching Jack torture Tigger. 
Within means of course

All I know is that I am sick of us being SICK and am ready to be out and about again!  Especially since the weather is amazing right now!!!  And cause family is coming into town soon too!  Too many things to be held back any longer... please health, come rescue us cause the Holidays are upon us!!

ps - I did see the new Twilight movie last night and I have to say, it was far better than the rest of them, hands down!  It even made ME excited for the last one (and that's saying a lot, cause I am not a big movie buff whatsoever). 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby, OH!

My sister Chelsea and her cute little family welcomed their newest addition a few days ago:  Baby Bud!  We are so happy to have a new cousin - even if it is yet another boy:)
Congrats Chel and Shane!!

And speaking of babies... yup, I'm pregnant alright. 
Here comes baby "Four"bis!
Are we feeling a little crazy??? Yes.
But are we super excited to meet another little family member of ours??? 

Let the countdown 'til May begin!