Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The One and Only

The reason I even get the mail just arrived yesterday:

We stayed up all night ooing and aahing at each other... 
"Well well Amy, it's been a year.  I see my curtains, shelves, decor, etc. etc. are still treating you well."
"No Ikea, look at you!  You look so great!  How you manage to get better, wiser, and more attractive each time I longingly gaze at you, I'll never understand."

Yes, I would describe my relationship with Ikea as nothing other than a love affair.


The Kotlacova Cowgirl said...

you crack me up, the sad part of the story is that just today I was wondering if the nearest city had an ikea or if just maybe I could order from ikea from Moscow, to help out our little house! ha too funny

Leslie said...

It's so rude of you to cheat on P like that. I'm waiting on my catalog too!