Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Update

There's much to say and much to do, but instead of digging up all the past, I'm just gonna dive right on in to our current status and go from there.  Much easier.

Well, we are a family of five now and life is NUTS and FUN and sometimes I'm not sure I'll make it through another day... but somehow I do, phew! 

We're still in good ol' Arizonia and right about now is when I start cursing the sun.  It is SCORCHING!  But, we love our home, our neighbors, our friends, our family, and we feel pretty darn blessed to have all of the above.  Here's the news on our fam:

Paige is 5.  Seriously.  And is counting down the 13 days until she (GULP) starts Kindergarten.  Seriously.  I die.  She's crazy, goofy, and dramalicious.  She does her best to keep up the little girl steroetype with princesses and playing pretend.  Success!

Calvin is now 3.  He's our own personal little Jekyl and Hyde... one minute he is the sweetest, cutest, kindest, gentlest little kiddo that you ever did lay your eyes on and it makes you want to just squeeze him forever with endless kisses and hugs... and then, in a split second, he is the absolute definition of The Hulk.  Throwing everything in a mad rage, screaming at the top of his lungs at anything moving in sight, scratching, hitting, biting, smashing, brutal destruction of all things living or non-living.  For reals.  Life with Calvin, well, it's a learning process.  But as is life, eh?

Jack Attack is almost 10 months!!  Whaaaaa???  How did that happen?  Where did that little infant I was just rocking yesterday go???  Oh yah, that's him, the 27 pounder crawling everywhere, wearing 24-month clothing and putting everything possible in his chubby little mouth.  He is hilarious!  I just love that goofy little goober!  He is for sure our family heart-throb.

Peter-Patrick is still da bomb.  Work, school, play with the kiddos, kickin it with me, read any comic/teen fiction book in sight, and repeat.  Keepin' it real.

As for myself, I have one word.  Crazaziness.  Yup.  Oh, and a whole lotta good times thrown in with it.  You know, that's just how I roll.  Crazy life, crazy fun.  Lovin' it!

So that's us as of Summer of 2011.  Now let's see if we can keep this blog thing goin' on...


Jourdan said...

YAY! You've been on my blog roll forever and I've missed you guys! Three is crazy, no?! You ARE rockin' it!

Leslie said...

27 FREAKING POUNDS!!!! Cal may act like the Hulk, but apparently Jack is going to BE the Hulk! I LOVE that he's so chubby. I've always wanted a chubby baby (at some other time than birth, please).

I'm so glad that you've updated again. Your comment on my blog made me laugh cuz only you would consider a year or two between posts a "break". HA!

Panda looks fabulous. You both look healthy, happy, and gorgeous/handsome. Wish yall were here so we could double to the CF for a date. Heavenly is right!

Marci McLain said...

Your little family is adorable! Good to see you back in the blog world - so I can stock you! :)

Alisha and Josh said...

So fun to see your sweet little family and that you have grown by one- awesome! The kids are adorable- thanks for coming back to the bloggin world so that we can see what your family is up to!

Kiera said...

Yay you are back!!!! And with another baby!! He is so stinkin cute! It's good to hear all is well! You are such a sweet little family!