Saturday, October 25, 2008

Me, Quirky??? Nah...

I've finally decided to honor the whole tagging charade this little blogging world has created. So here you have it - some of my quirks.

  • I HATE belly buttons. I think they got to be one of the grossest, dirtiest, smelliest, yuckiest parts of the body. I mean, hello??? It's a big hole in the middle of your middle. Patrick loves to stick his finger in his and then chase me with it. He once paid me 5 minutes of feet rub per second that I swooshed my finger in his belly button. The WORST 3 seconds of my life. GROSS.

  • I can not, no way, no how, get a brain freeze. And trust me, I've tried. Pretty cool huh?

  • You know when you see an actor and you know they're in something else but you can not for the life of you remember?? Well I am unusually good at figuring it out. I know it sounds kind of weird and fairly stupid, but I really feel like it's one of my great talents in life or something and I am totally awesome at it. "Who her?? Woman #2 on this old episode of Seinfeld?? Easy, Elle's friend on Legally Blonde who does her nails and likes the UPS guy. Duh." I know, you are all so envious.

  • I feel like there are two types of people in this world: Twizler people, and Red Vine people. Let me make it clear that I AM A RED VINE WOMAN. And I love them... LOVE them. Now I don't know how you Twizler lovers even call that morphed wax licorice, but it is despicable. I almost feel like Twizler people should just live in a Twizler colony while all of us real licorice lovers live on in normalcy. Wow, that was harsh, sorry. But Twizlers... seriously??

  • I can totally do the splits. Shocked? Ya, I'm surprisingly flexible for a 6 foot Amazon.

  • I have an obsession with putting things together. Like every time something says "assembly required" my heart does this little leap of joy knowing that as soon as we get home I get to sit and work on it. And I squealed with delight when I got a 400 piece set of K'Nex for my birthday... as in this past 24th birthday. Squealed.


Sharisa at Outstanding Occasions said...

I am so with you on the Twizzlers...

Kersten said...

I am also totally grossed out by belly buttons! I am impressed with the 3 seconds. Did you know that my dad doesn't have a belly button? It's totally weird. He had a hernia surgery or something when he was a baby and somehow that scarred so he no longer has one. I am a little sketchy on the extact details.

Lane family said...

I didn't used to be grossed out by belly buttons... I am now. Thanks. I'm wondering what your stand is on outie belly buttons? Crew's isn't totally an outie- but it's not an innie either. It's one of two body parts that he's adorably fascinated with... I'll let you guess what the other body part is. :) Oh yeah- Red Vines make me gag. I'm a twizzler girl. Does this mean we can't be friends?

Nammie said...

Hello, my name is Uncle Norm and I totally TWIZZLE!!! Please forgive . . . .

Summers Camp said...

If I move to AZ, I hope we're neighbors. So look for foreclosures in your neighborhood! *B

Kiera said...

i am a red vine girl as well...twizzlers eeewww!!! I loved reading about your fun little quirks!

Tay said...

You also make me laugh... a lot. I remember doing k'nex at your house a long time ago. You guys made a ferris wheel or something. Good times. Unfortunately i have not seen stacy and clinton. You are more than welcome to sign me up for what not to wear though. I definitely need it. My jeans and flip flops are not welcomed here.

Lane family said...

BABY GUS!!! Have you gotten any pictures yet? I'm dying to see him... and if I wait for Shane, it may never happen! If your mom sends you any- will you email me?

Marci McLain said...

Just have to say - you are hilarious!! Thanks for sharing and making me laugh tonight! I needed it.

LaRance family said...

I sort of remember me and kelsey eating twizlers and you hating us for it but I will admit red vines are way better!