Monday, September 3, 2007

Buy a best friend for $0.94

Lately Paige has had a recent obsession with balloons... go figure. So this entails every venture to a store beginning with the loudest laugh/scream EVER (those who have heard it know exactly what I'm talking about) as soon as she sees one. Well, it being the holiday weekend and all, we decided to get her one just for being so great. Little did we know that a new best friend had been born...

Bedtime? Not without balloon...

Goodight kisses for Mommy? Not without balloon...

Goodnight kisses for balloon??? Of course!


Anonymous said...

GUFFAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA. Oh I love your child. What the heck, Mags ws raped? Fill me in here.PS This is Chel

Larsens said...

cute little woman!!! i love the balloon.


Heather said...

I found your blog! Paige is so adorable!

Randi said...

Hey Amy! Chelsea told me about your blog, so I lurk you now. Now you need to get Chelsea to do a blog with Biggie Smalls! I am pretty sure I have heard Paiges squeal and I love it. Isn't it amazing the things that will amuse kids. Hudson usually has more fun with the box of a toy rather than the toy.