Sunday, September 18, 2011

One More Week...

Exactly one week from today and I won't feel like a crazy person anymore.  It's just our Primary's (the LDS church's group of kids ages 3-11) special Primary Program Presentation next Sunday and it just happens to be the MOST STRESSFUL EVENT OF THE YEAR.  So all the months of planning and hours and hours of organization and preparing will finally be out to show next Sunday.  And then... it will be done!  Hooray!  But until then, I don't think I should make any important decisions and maybe not talk to anybody either.  Yah, that might be a good idea.  I'm just glad I'm not 5 days away from having a baby this time around.  That was a doozy!

Aaaaaanyways,  Jack took a late nap today and was up after the other two yahoos went to bed and was being such a HAM!  I tell ya, this kid has more personality then I know how to handle!  He is always cracking us all up!  And this new smile thing he's got going on is just too much!  He's a keeper.

Past my bedtime???  Who says it's past my bedtime???

Well if I'm up I should have a late snack, for sure.

Maybe if I hide under the table they won't catch me...

I've been discovered!!  Perhaps a winning grin may change your bedtime driven minds?

Sorry Jack, I treasure my quiet time.  But it was close.


mashby said...

Oh Amy! Hang in there....our progam is this Sunday as well!! Are we crazy for doing it so early?? :) No, I think we'll be so thrilled when it is over. Fun night out with Chelly, was that movie any good?

PS - call the nearest baby modeling agency ASAP...that Jack is too much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jack Jack - you are such a little charmer!!