Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Apologies...

I know that I said I was back from a break, and technically I was, but only for that one second. Truth be told I've been on a huge food storage kick for the past few weeks and I am BOUND AND DETERMINED to complete the majority of it by the end of the month! Including menu planning, organizing, purchasing, and storing. So yes, I have been placing that well ahead of my blogging cause I am a horrid multi-tasker.

So this is what's been going on...

I had a Bday, 25th to be exact, and I feel like such an OLD FART. Blaughk. Before I felt all cute and fun in my young 20's but now it's like, "No Amy, don't even think you relate to those college and high school days anymore... you're 25 now. A woman." Guess I should stop playing my Nintendo DS now too. Dang it.

Peter-Patrick did throw me a fantastic Bday junk food and movie festivity night and it was AWESOME!! I'm pretty sure he ordered the ENTIRE Taco Bell menu - oh snap! Thanks P-Diddy, you're the best.

"Princess Paige" (that is her new name, princess everything nowadays even though I vowed I would NEVER do the princess thing) also had a Bday - 3 YEARS OLD!!! Ahhhhhh! Didn't we just bring her home from the hospital yesterday?!?!?

(poster made by Uncle David, she loves the thing)

We had a great time, however I am wondering why it's the "terrible two's" and not the "tumultuous three's" cause let me tell you what, Paige's entire year of age 2 was FAR BETTER than these past few weeks of 3. Love the little booger all the same.

And Mr. Calvin, still a little stud just growing like no other and being quite the Mamma's boy. LOVE him.

And now off to completing our food storage. So now you know why I'm ignoring the bloggy-blog world. Wish me luck!


marcie said...

OOOH, I LOVE THE CHILDREN'S PLACE! I saw those socks a couple of weeks ago and thought they were the hottest things ever, but I didn't buy them because I'm cheap. They sure do look great on Calvin, and that tie... what a handsome fella.

And can I just say how much I'm feeling this old lady thing. I just turned 24 last week, and I feel so ANCIENT. Where does the time go?? But hey, I just had the thought that at least we're all growing old TOGETHER, right, hahaha! No one is in this thing alone :)

Emily Shurtleff said...

YAY I am sooo Happy you are back. I have missed your post. Love the pictures!! oh and Happy Birthday!! I felt the same way about 25 and 26 was even worse. Because I convinced myself 25 was okay because I wasn't my late 20's. Well this year I turn 27. Which will be my late 20"s :(

Amy said...

Calvin is the cutest ever! Turner is a total mama's boy too. Isn't it sad how are baby's grow up so fast. I can't believe Paige is 3, Liza will be 3 in October and I can hardly stand it.

The John Family said...

So cute! Happy B-day to you and Paige! I didnt know!

Lindsay Riggs said...

I request that your next post be a detailed report of your food storage expedition so I can see what your plan of attack was. And I, too, vowed to never get my daughter hooked on Disney princess stuff (don't get me started about my feminist views of them), but Riley is in a princess stage right now, too. Where did I go wrong? :) And, my mom said that Paige and Riley are registered for the same preschool class in the fall! Yay!

Leslie said...

1. I don't want to hear your crap (or Marcie's for that matter) about being "old". What a load! You're only 25! Once you get a little closer to 30 we'll talk. :) Happy Birthday anyway! I am glad that Patrick did such an awesome job on your bday.

2. The children. They're just plain freaking adorable. Both of them. I can't believe Paiger is THREE. THREE! She was just a wee one last time I saw you. And in the womb at your baby shower before that. My, how time flies. :( Love her untamed 'fro.

3. Cal is going to beat you up for exploiting him like that with no clothes on when he gets older. For now though I will enjoy it along with you in all of his cuteness. I loved that color scheme at Childrens Place.

4. Sorry I haven't called you back yet. I haven't forgotten. Things have been absolutely insane around here. I hope to be able to do it this week. I'm just bummed I missed you in the first place! I am so excited to talk to you.

5. Isn't food storage so fun?! I kind of think we're the oddballs out on this one, but I love doing it too. Have you ever been to the cannery? I totally get a kick out of that too. I've only ever been twice.

6. Love you! Miss you! Tell everyone hi!


Michelle said...

Wow good for you with the food storage!! I need to get better with that...

Love all the pictures and Calvin's nudy-ness. And happy birthday to you and Paige!! I'm about to turn the big 2-5 too and have had the same feelings...yay.

Clarissa Meegan said...

Umm...ya. Let's just say--that Paige is the cutest thing I've ever seen. And no way did she just turn 3.

And a quarter century of the Amy lady? Would you all just quit growing up!

Janalyn Owens said...

Happy Birthday Amy! I love the pictures.

Stock Family said...

Yes, do tell how you went about doing food storage. My whole spare bedroom closet, linen clost and under beds are stuffed full of food. Its a lot of fun! I have found the princess stage to actually be a lot of fun too. Happy 25th! I'm in denial that I will be that old next month.

The Kemptons said...

Happy Birthday my dear. I know how you feel about being 25, because I turn 26 this year, yikes. I am so proud of you for working on your years supply. We are doing that right now too. And don't worry about blogging I am the worst at it now.