You must all hate me and are seriously considering on never checking our blog again now that I've let time lapse for a month, yet again. Well, I'm sorry, but tough. HAHA, no I can explain: So yes, we did go out of town during which Paige and I got supper sick. Good timing, huh? Anyways, so we took a week to recouperate and then BAM, Paige got sick again... and BAM, BAM, BAM. Needless to say, Paige has been crazy sick for over a month now and I'm hoping that this version of the flu, along with ear infections and colds, will be the last. If I ever said "I just want to do it all at once and get it over with" I completely withdraw my statement and ask for sheer forgiveness for being so nieve.
So yes, I've been busy with tending poor little Paiger and am not a very good multi-tasker... so no blogging. But Patrick has also just started his MBA program here in the last couple months so it is a rare chance that I get a lick at the computer anymore. I
guess his Masters comes first, but I'll do my best. Also, I am currently without camera ability so I almost feel like there's no point in blogging without pics. But I'm trying to fix this glich as well.
Anyways, lots working against my blogging ability and I'm sorry to lay it all out for you, but there ya have it.