Also, my sister Chelsea and her husband Shane flew in from Spokane for a weekend and they are expecting their first little babe in just about 5 weeks!!!! I am SO pumped! But if you know Chel at all she hates surprises and showers... so her lovely friend Randi and I decided to throw her a surprise shower! HAHAHA!! It was hilarious and she was a little bit mad at first, but I think she got over it. It was all out of love... okay, and a little bit selfishness just to see her face.
Big man Cal is mastering the Bumbo - he's getting pretty good without it as well. Such a studly little man. He has also been sleeping like a CHAMP for quite some time now - about 8pm to 6am every night. I am SO grateful. And he's one heck of a heartbreaker with that little sideways smile of his.
And of course little miss P-diddy. I just can never take enough pictures of this chiquita. Love her to pieces.
And the other night I took Cal to the Relief Society broadcast with me so Paige and Patrick could have a Daddy-Daughter night and this is what I came home to: