Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just for you

I'm getting far too good at this whole blog-slacking thing. So here are some catch-up pics... yet again.

Halloween was kind of a drag. But cool thing: Paige wore the Rainbow Brite (flashback) costume that my grandma made for Chelsea that all of us girls wore for Halloween back when we were little. She was an AMAZING seamstress - pretty good job I think and even better that it's lasted this long! Just check out those boots!
I had bought this cute little skeleton onesie for Cal but of course when I went to put it on it was FAR too small since the kid grows too darn fast. So luckily my sister-in-law had a spare caterpillar for the night. Not like it even mattered though cause he slept the whole time anyways. Oh well.Calvin is now officially on rice cereal - here's the first time photo.

And the first face. "You call this food???"

Paige has been an eager little helper in the kitchen lately.

And a ham everywhere else... as always.
And I just HAD to let you in on the funniest after bath time mullet EVER! "Business in the front, party in the back Mom." She really needs a haircut.
And I was just looking at Paige's pics of when she was the same age as Calvin is now and I was kinda surprised at how they really don't look that much alike. Hmmph?!?!

Paige - 5 months
Calvin - 5 months

Not all that interesting or exciting, but that's what I got.


Tiffany said...

Such cute pictures! holy flashback with rainbow bright!! We miss you guys so much! I love Paige...she is such a doll...even with a mullet! :)

Lindsay Riggs said...

Riley's costume was one that we all wore growing up. Love Paige's costume!

Lane family said...

Such cute kids! I would pay money to see Chelsea in that costume. I post embarrassing pictures of Shane... I think you should return the favor! :)

Ian and Kristen said...

Hi Amy this is Kristen (Shiflet) Peterson. I saw a link to your blog off my sisters... your kids' costumes are so cute! I love the rainbow bright one... I used to love that show! Hope you guys are doing good!

Summers Camp said...

Oh my heck, that RB costume is pure genius! Brilliant. Can we be neighbors??? *B

LaRance family said...

Oh my gosh that rainbow bright costumes is great! Really cute pictures.

Melanie said...

That rainbow bright costume is a CLASSIC!! Love it!! Hey, you will have to let patrick know that Rob finally got his beloved forester!! He has all sorts of plans to take it off roading and such. :) I was so bummed I missed out on you and Shari's little adventure in OCt. We need to get together. What's your schedule like bc as usual, I am always available!

Milan Maternity said...

Oh man! Rainbow Bright Paige was awesome! And Calvin is so cute...I just still can't believe you have two kids! Time goes so fast...we miss you guys!

Amy said...

I love the rainbow bright costume that is awesome!! Your kids are so adorable, Just seeing pictures of Paige you can tell she is a hoot to be around.

Larsens said...

AMY!!! hey there champ! whats been happening?!?! your kids are so dang adorable!! cant wait to finally meet them... someday!

i was reading all about the latest with your family and sounds like all is going pretty darn smoothly. chelseas little guy is so cute and dang is that blanket cool or what?!?!?

i was also reading about how you have notice more people grieving lately since your brother has passed on. it touched me because i too see to be feeling the same thing. since kamber left the earth it seems like sad things keep happening to people all around me. the worst part is that i am just noticing it. it took a major tragic event in my life to open my eyes and see that other people are going through some terrible things themselves. i feel horrible that it took a life altering event in my life to be able to notice the soreness that people are experiencing. and yes, prayers are the lifesavers. thank you for posting that to remind us that Heavenly Father is listening and loves us all... He will help if we just ask!

take care forbis fam!