Thursday, May 29, 2008

Catch 22

Part 1:
I am REALLY sick of being giganticly prego and would LOVE to have this little boy in our lives.

Part 2:
We may be able to move in next week and I REALLY don't want to have to do that with a newborn. Anyone have a magic wand they could lend me???


Fay Call said...

Hey congrats on the house! I'm so excited for you. Just keep your legs crossed until your ready, works every time, just kidding. Should have told that to the lady that delivered in the hall! Anyway, I'm glad you're doing well and I can't wait for your little guys to make his appearance!

Lane family said...

I am never lucky enough to have things go according to my "plan". You must be one of those super cute prego ladies, that breeze through the 9 months. I think your crazy! I would so rather move with a newborn, than move 8 or 9 month pregnant. Then again- when I'm that pregnant, I can barely get my rather large behind off the couch!

Do you like how I comment on ALL of your posts?! You are going to be so sorry Chel gave me your blog! I also tend to ramble like a crazy person. (I'm working on getting it under control... apparently it's not going very well) Ask Chelsea- poor girl has to endure all of my e-mails! Good luck and Congrats! I LOVE the house- find me one!

Gail B said...

No magic wand but I totally recommend getting moved before the kid comes out. How much easier would that be?!!! Well, at least you know it will all work out in some way. So, we were in Gilbert a month or so ago. We really wanted to see you, but we were only there for about 3 days and barely got enough time to see some family. We also ended up leaving a day earlier than planned . I am sad though that we didn't get to see you guys. That would have been great. But thank goodness for blogs.

Jewelle said...

Sorry no magic wand either. We are in sorta the same situation as you guys. But we don't have to move until the end of July. I get to move with a 3-4 week old. I think it will be easier than trying to move now. I think it would be easier for you too if he was born BEFORE you move!

LaRance family said...

Yeah on getting the house!!! It is so pretty. Are you still in the same area that you were living in? I don't know what to tell you about the baby but I'm so excited for you to have him whenever he comes!

elizabeth said...

As much as a want a baby, I keep telling myself that it will be nice to be settled into a home before I give birth. Either way, you'll get it done. If you need help getting settled in, I'm sure there are tons of people willing to lend a hand - me included. :)

Mike and Shannon said...

Congrats on the house. As for leaving YW and VT, I am very sad but will try to get over it. Please let me know when you start rolling with the move so we can help out!